Explaining Jews & Judaism to the Followers of Western Christian Church
This is an information-only site. There is nothing being sold here. Everything on this site is free and we do not accept donations.
(Proverbs 23:23)
Everyone Is Welcome. However, this website focuses on a major sin within much of the Western Christian Church; it is therefore directed to and intended for, Bible-believing Christians who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and strive to live a holy life based on truth. This includes Christians who identify as Messianic Jews.
(1 Peter 1:15-16)

Unless you are oblivious to what's been happening in the Western World, it should be quite apparent that the Christian Church is no longer the Salt & Light of America or Europe, and the Christian influence is becoming less by the day.
One of the primary reasons is that, out of ignorance of the truth, much of the Church is being led to embrace and harbor a deceptive, insidious, sin!
We have taken the worst sin possible; the spirit of antichrist (as defined in, 1 John 2:22 - 1 John 4:3 - 2 John 1:7), then give it, and many of those who embrace it, a position of respect and even reverence in the Church.
Before you read any further, please let that sink in God's Word tells us that the Spirit of Antichrist are those who denied, and still currently deny, that Jesus is the savior of the world; or to put in other terms, those who claim that Jesus was just a man and not God in the flesh, and therefore the Christian Jesus was a deceptive lying fraud. That was, and currently is, the claim of Orthodox Judaism, the religion that the modern nation of Israel was founded around.
As a sovereign nation, Israel is free to embrace whatever it chooses, but we, the Christian Church, should never consider modern Israel a "special, anointed, nation of God," and then hold it up as an Idol.
(Hosea 4:17)
The information in this site is an objective assessment on a subject that the vast majority of Western Christians are afraid to, and therefore refuse to, debate or even discuss.
This website deals with this sin.
As such this is not a passive, politically correct, Christian site and some have complained that it is too forceful, and "in-your-face," for a Christian website.
However, this site is not intended for cowardly, passive, Christians.
It is for those relatively few Christians who truly hate lies and deception, and are actually bold enough to embrace and stand up for Biblical and historical truth, even when doing so causes disapproval or even rejection by their Christian peers.
As stated in Micah 2:6, those who see the truth must speak the truth or the lies will not be turned back.
And again in Isaiah 58:1, "Cry loudly, do not hold back: Raise your voice like a trumpet and declare to my people their transgression......."
As Christians, we must always seek and then embrace Truth, regardless of how contrary it seems to what we have heard in the past.
To our detriment, far too many Christians behave like those in the cults who refuse to examine facts that would expose the lies in their beliefs. This includes Christian pastors and teachers who, like the prideful "all-knowing" Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes, also refuse to examine anything that challenges what they currently preach as truth.
But lies still need to be exposed, and as God commanded Ezekiel:
"....you shall speak my words to them whether they listen or not....."
(Ezekiel 2:7).
Our intent is not to cause further division within the Church, however, these lies must be exposed and the truth is shown to those who are obedient to God's command to "examine everything carefully."
(1 Thessalonians 5:21) (Acts 17:11)

Today, many people identify as Jew; that by itself does not make them better or worse than anyone else. Identifying as a Jew does not make someone evil, but neither does it make them God’s royalty.
If you carry a hatred for everyone with a Jewish identity and hope to further that hatred with information from this site, there is nothing here for you.
However, if you are here to learn who the Jews of the Bible actually were, and who Jews are today, and are then willing to stand up for truth in your Christian walk, we welcome you.

Making Things Easy to Understand
......... When you allow Truth to be compromised, You will then be guided by Lies .........
This Website was created to enlighten the Western Christian Church how, beginning in the 1800s, we began to create and embrace a false Jewish identity that does not exist in God's Word, the Bible.
As this progressed, then, in 1948 the initial goal of the Zionist movement (which also began in the 1800s) was fulfilled.
The modern nation of Israel was founded as a Jewish State, and that false Biblical Jewish identity steadily increased and spread like malignant cancer throughout much of the Western Christian Church.
As such, the Western Christian Church has progressively taught and often continues to teach, God's Truth through this insidious blasphemous lie.
This paraphrased quote is from a well-known Christian leader of the 1800s:
* "If the moral foundation of America ever falls apart, the pulpit will be responsible."
As our nation and the influence of the Western Christian Church declines around us, this question needs to be asked:
Have we fallen under judgment because too many of our Christian leaders have albeit often unknowingly, been leading us astray?
Hosea 4:9 Malachi 2:7-8
The moral foundation of the Western World has gradually eroded as the Church increasingly welcomed the spirit of antichrist by embracing Jesus-hating Israel and Orthodox Judaism as if they were special and anointed of God.
For many Christians, Israel and Jews have become elevated to the status of Idols.
Beginning with the formation of modern Israel in 1948, the idol worship sin of Christian Zionism has slowly spread like cancer in the blood of the Western Christian Church.
(Ezekiel 14:3-4) (Ezekiel 23:49)
Contrary to Israel being an anointed nation of God, it is the only nation in world history that has ever been founded around rejecting Jesus. Other nations have embraced the Biblical definition of the spirit of antichrist (1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3 &; 2 John 7) but only one, the modern Christ-rejecting Jewish state of Israel, was ever founded around it.
The Christian Church, in much of the Western World, has embraced, elevated, and given respect to, what God in symbolic language calls the resurrected bones of ancient Judah and Jerusalem (Jeremiah 8:1-3). Therefore, when we embrace Israel and Judaism as sacred, we become one with this "evil" remnant; the remnant who God calls:
"dung on the face of the ground."

-- This site is intended as a wake-up call for Western Christians --
It addresses these questions, and more:
1. Have we misunderstood who the Jews of the Bible were and who they are today?
2. Have we embraced and taught various lies while thinking we were embracing God's truth?
3. Have these lies distorted what God's Word, our Bible, actually says?
4. Are we, in some areas, embracing the doctrines and precepts of men rather than Biblical truth?
5. Have we been led to worship certain idols while believing we were honoring God?
6. Is our sin the reason why America (and the Western nations) are where we are today?
The answer to all of those questions is YES!
This site is for all Western nation Christians who are concerned about their nation's moral decline, and the increasing decline of their religious freedoms.
(Lamentations 5:2)

End Note :
In early 2020 most of the Western nations, and much of the world, experienced troubling times regarding what was called the Corona Virus; and as we know this also included the forced suspension of many Christian Church activities.
Various causes were claimed for this but Christians must remember that we, the Church, are called to be the salt and light, the preservation, the symbolic immune system, for not only ourselves but the entire earth (Matthew 5:13).
As the institutional Churches increasingly embraced a deceptive sin and became spiritually sick and therefore less influential, our nations, the communities we live in, and the entire world have all progressively suffered the consequences.
The more turmoil we see in the world the more we need to take a closer look at our Christian influence and what sin, in us, maybe compromising what God created to be what is metaphorically called, the salt & light.

Therefore some questions we need to answer:
1. In regards to the Biblical Jewish era, and Jews today, have the leaders of our institutional Churches embraced lies as truth, and therefore taught us to reverence sin?
2. Have we, and our societies been experiencing judgments because of it?
3. Was this virus trouble another, and the anti-Christian political changes, a stronger, "wake up" shaking?
4. What persecution is coming in the future if we do not repent?
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